
强戈的绘画与启示Qiang Gex26#39;s Paintings andinspirations Ying.Lee我


Qiang Ge's Paintings andinspirations



近些年来,借助传统视觉文化经验及符号记忆进行当代图像阐释,是一种颇为流行的艺术创作倾向。事实上,这样的创作思路,对于以创作作为实现艺术家价值的主流论调,实在是一件太冒险的事情。 一方面,从传统绘画文本中撷取图像资料,说得好听一点是向经典致敬,难听一点的话,借鉴?抄袭?也就依赖于各位看客看问题的角度了。过去,也有不少名家在此种思路上摔了跟斗,被批评界指摘过甚。从另一层面来说,经典的高度自然摆在那里,直接叫板,一个不小心成了东施效颦,背上走捷径,毁经典的罪名。再加上由于取材的相似性,给人先入为主的感觉,要想摆脱经典留下的印象,形成自己的独特风格,反而更加困难。正因为如此,早在2010年,强戈开始他的《再造》系列之初,我就对他信心十足的创作热情颇为担心,——太容易留人话柄了!但是,连我自己都觉得奇怪的是,虽然我从某种程度对这种创作思路的突破性颇为怀疑,但却一直很关注这位画家的创作。因为,以我对他多年来艺术探索秉性的了解,强戈的兴趣点,绝对不在于画什么,而在于怎么画。这也是5年之后,在他决定为他的《再造》系列打上休止符的时候,我却觉得,这么多年对他的关注,也应该交出一点什么东西了。








InRecent years, it becomes a popular tendencyin China that extracting visualpictorial images and hieroglyphs fromtraditional art history serves tocontemporary cultural re-interpretation as anexperienced reminiscence oftraditional symbols in artistic creation. Actually,this methodology is , in myopinion, too risky particularly as the idea ofrevolutionary original creationis thought as the mainstream of artisticcreation. On the one hand, the wayextracting pictorial episodic images fromancient painting, might easily beascribed as emulation or even plagiary,despite it also could be explained as inthe manner of classic work. That is tosay, it might be criticized as an immoraldeed in some points of view. And,evidence did suggest that in the past therewere famous artists who followed thiskind of creative thought were denounced bycritics before. On the other hand, italso tends to be depreciated as a deed todestroy the preeminent masterpieceswhich have already been endowed a well-knownreputation. In addition, theeffort of getting rid of the deep impression fromoriginal work and of formingpersonal style on the basis of ancient images wouldmake the painting processmuch more difficult to control. Because of thesereasons, I was not as enoughoptimistic as the artist's enthusiasm andself-confidence when he started his Series of Re-creation. However, itisstrange to a certain extent that despite I keep my dubiousness aboutthebreakthrough of this kind of creation thought, I am very interestinginobserving this artist,---both his creation process and works as well. I haveknownhim for more than ten years, and I am very clear that the artist'sexplorationis not much more concern with the subject of the painting but more concentration to the point of variousexpressive ways of thepainting.

Thereason why choosing Chinese ancientmasterpieces as an important source ofre-interpretation becomes a common artcreative trend currently dues to twoaspects. Firstly, in Chinese oil paintingcircle, the trend of expression in China'smeaning, China's spirit and China'sethos with Western painting media has beingcome into mainstream during theseyears accompanying with the strong necessaryto pursue cultural identity backinto Chinese traditional history. And Moreover,the influence of Post-modernismfrom Western contemporary culture which ischaracterized as personal identity, metaphoricalexpression, and regionalhistorical context as an advanced thought way increation, also makes thisreturn become possible in the substituting of formerModernist internationalstyle. Therefore, the combination of these two aspectspromotes the Chinesecharacteristics in oil painting being extremely popular inrecent years.

Thekey point for re-interpretation oftraditional pieces, is based on how to transferpersonal style from these familiarclassical visual subjects and symbols,---moreconcern with the expression ofartistic language in paintings than the subjectsthemselves,---that is, theissue of how to create a typical language to expressartist's emotion. In fact,the recent China's oil painting creation,--- eitherthe orthodox governmental mainstreamor grandiose and iconoclastic Avant-gardein "contemporary art",---focuseson the subjects simultaneously,paying more attention to the deliberation ofsociety and philosophy rather thanart itself, and thus endowing this sort ofdeliberation as features ofprogression and theoretical meaning. The vanity ofpainting ---which can beexemplified as the vain in lacking of complexity andaesthetics after the de-skilledin painting in one hand, and the meretriciousutilitarian of painting in thesupporting of dogmatism of grandiose in theother hand,---causes irreconcilablecontroversy with the seemingly magnificenceof literal interpretation, andgreatly declined the cogency of painting itself.Qiang Ge's painting, may bringsome kinds of inspiration meanings to today's oilpainting world.

QiangGe's expression way, is demonstrated primarily to his extremefascination in theresearch of oil painting materials and fastidiousness inusing of thesematerials. Nowadays, when guohuaartists and critics generally rebuke the lostof Chinese traditional xieyi spirit; conversely, many oilartists are obsessingin the exploration of Chinese styles on canvas, includingthe vision of distilldots and trace, calligraphic brushwork, simply and purein colors, melancholyand expressive sense as well. In one word, it is stronglyobvious that in oilpainting field, the creation in Chinese traditional stylesare popular. Thispopularity, however, also brings another problem, that is theproblem indecomposition in shape and form, which does not match to theadvantages of oilmaterials in expression in shaping, construction andcomplicated colors.Therefore, how to conduct Chinese style imaginary imagescombining withparticularities and aesthetics of the specific oil media,becomes a significantproblem to today's Chinese oil artists. In term of this,Qiang Ge's contributionis considerable. With the repetition of distill andcolors' interexchangecoincidently and necessarily on canvas, the forming oftexture and strokes onthe painting's background, either symbolizes historicaleffects in time channelwith the emulation of ancient masterpieces' mottled andfading colors, as thesame time also seeks a complete expression of oilpainting language. The mostimportant is that the language is based on the characteristicsof oil media,departing from the China's classical painting; it is totallydifferent to someof the oil painters who discard the particular materialisticfeatures in oilpainting to chasing desperately the Chinese styles ofcombination, brushwork andimaginary environments. In the process ofconversation to personal traditionalculture, the discovery of expression fromthe exotic media are spontaneously advanced.

Theinclination of exploring materials andlanguage of painting has began as earlyas his student period of undergraduateand graduate: Series of Spring pondandSeries of Ribbonfish, both areexamples of repetition of expression methodswith stable subjects, sometimeseven having dozens of different visualperformances with the same subject. Bythis way he accumulated varietyexperiences in oil painting media. From theseearlier works, his Chineseaesthetic tendency in extent of subtly, implicit,pure, and calligraphic strokeswas very clear at that time, despite that itmight not enough for him to formspecific expressing language and understandingof Chinese classical aestheticthoughts. Consequently, the Series of Re-creation came into birth.

Achanging process of subject choosing can be observed from the Series ofRe-creation: mainly from the gongbi flower-and-bird in Song dynastytorelatively recent xiyi flower-and-birdpainting in Ming and Qing dynasties; andin the same time, the expressing wayswere also enduring a course from thelimitation by prototypes to a more and morefree description. Under the Chinesecultural painting context, copying has beena primary important learning way fora long period of time. However, in theearly of 20th century, copying wascondemned as a criminal, false and unprogressivemethod for its emulation ratherthan creation. At that time, oil painting wasregarded as an advanced andrevolutionary kind of art imported from West tocure the illness of China's art.But unnoticeably, this thought was fadedgradually, being supplanted bytransference, another more important issue, justlike the famous saying from E.H. Gombrich "formula and correction".Either copying directly fromnature or copying from ancient masters are bothmechanically learning,inspiration from them during painting process is indeedextremely significant.Appreciating Qiang Ge's paintings from this perspective,one will have areleased understanding from limitation of copying, since there-interpretationof the bird-and-flower work, was completely departed from theclassical emotion.As a viewer, it is easy to evoke former experience in his orher memory, theborrowing images in Qiang Ge's paintings provide a sensational linkbetween past and present,but the experience in memory was broken when viewercontinues seeking for it. Imagesseem to be familiar faintly, otherwise, theemotion of aesthetics is totallydistinctive: without the naturalist andfreshness in Song flower-and-birdpaintings but turning into seriousness and composurein visual sense, withoutthe calligraphic xieyi feeling withease, verse, andbrightness, but changing into compositional density anddivision being similarto Western drawing. As an veteran instructor in carvepainting teaching, hebrings his teaching experience in the use and concert ofcolors and tones,transferring the wet and apparent ancient painting intographic and decorativeconstruction being alike to chromatographic woodcuts. Particularly,when hiscreation is based on Xu Wi's work, masterpieces from later Mingdynasty, he notonly cuts Xu's typical long scroll composition into squareformat, but alsoreinterprets the freehand brushwork from the originals intohis own language.Here, the second connotation of Qiang Ge's work appears: bythe reinterpretationof classical images, he interposes his own understandingand creativeactivities.

Facingthe power of tradition, we always serveto humble and modest attitude, in somecases, however, the bondage is tooserious to suppress artists' individualism, violatethe artistic creativenature. Even though most of artists prefer to the artisticcreative freedom, itis in fact a relative conception: there is no freedom aslimitation oftechnological methods, and also, there is no freedom when artisthas no way tocontrol the emotion and in a mass of confusion. Despite I concedeemotionalsense is important to artists, I also want to emphasize thealternativeimportance of rationality. The seemingly controversial dichotomousperceptionsmay be show in a reconciling demonstration in Qiang Ge's painting.His delicateand detailed sketches, conspicuously tend to have a combination ofemotionalityand rationality; even his oil paintings, are also controlledbetween the coincidencesand imperatives . This kind of rational control, mightbe a different thoughtin artistic creation.

For along time, I prefer toobserve the artists who are "in the process".Perhaps their work isnot perfect,---actually there is no really perfect work atall,---but they arefull of strength and vitality, both in work and artiststhemselves. As early asmore than ten years ago, we used to have a proposal inwitness of young artists'growing process. Among these young artists whoattended this project at thattime, I have been moved by Qiang Ge's dedicationfor "art for art'ssake".




强戈的绘画与启示Qiang Gex26#39;s Paintings andinspirations Ying.Lee我

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