了了·青年实验空间 | 粗暴现实——夏方作品展 即将开幕


青年艺术家推介系列展(二) & 了了·青年实验空间4

The Series Exhibition of Young Artists promotion(2) & LIAOLIAO·Young Art LabSpace 4


Violent reality——Exhibition of Xia Fang’s Works

策展人 Curator

廖上飞 Liao Shangfei

主办 Hosts

西华大学艺术学院 Schoolof Art,XiHua University

了了·艺术传播机构 LIAO LIAO Arts Dissemination Institution

展览时间 Duration 


开幕酒会  opening

2016.07.02  15:30  

展览地点 Venue 


LIAOLIAO Arts Dissemination Institution, Tower22, Swan Lake Gardens, No.177, Mid-SectionTianfu Avenue, Chengdu

前  言




Liao Shangfei



Xia Fang’s “Thecrowd series” works are from attention to reality. Shehaslookedtowards a series of “hot events”, which usually shocked the world but did not cause the attention ofall social parts, and were not worth treasuring or commemorating. The refugeecrisis that is very far away from Chinese people butconcerned by theinternational community, a series of events that shocked the world occurred invarious parts of China all become the objects that she focused on. Her worksinvolves the hot news which focused by the world media, great things that happened at home and abroad, such as refugees,violent demolition,police stability maintenance, etc. “Thecrowd series” works is not the result of representingreality or closing to reality, but the result of exposing reality. Reality isso violent, violent reality made the responsible artists become intolerable.The limited exposure of artists is at best “brutal”. Obviously, Xia Fang did not “record events”by traditional realism method, but “representevents” by the way of contemporary paintings. Herexpression is subjective initiative, “creative conceptmainly relates to ‘misappropriation’ of news photos and ‘translation’ of forms, technically focuseson ‘misappropriation’ and ‘parody’ inpost-modern art, advocates of narrative fragments and accidental, disorder andfracture, aesthetically pursue of ‘awkward’ and ‘absurdity’represented in combination of reality and surreality”[[1]]. “Misappropriating” (selecting) photos from Internet, newspapers and the media, then “translating” them to the canvas—— she is not amechanical reproduction, but be subjective, so as to achieve the purposes of “parody reality”. Reality is so violent,violent was very close to absurd. Facing of Xia Fang’s “the crowd series”, it is believed that whatyou realized is much more real than what you see.


Xia Fang’s “population” is only “group” butnot “human”. “Human” is abstract, symbolic and blurred. We can not see specific “someone”, what we see are thousands ofsquares, halls, boats, groups of silhouettedpeople, who eitherto protest, or watch,cheer,fled……A series of “live events” that “translated”by the artist contained a fierce internal conflict that is relevant to powers andrights. “The crowd series” worksas a whole had a “theater” effect. Where there is a performer,there is a spectator. However involvers always get confused while outsiders cannot be more clear. The discourse relation between powers andrights that consisted by performance and viewing(watching), reflects the falsityand absurdity ofcontemporary political ideology. Abstract, symbolic and blurred peoplemade someone feel a sense of seemingly powerful and righteouscollective unconscious. Reality is so violent,violent is skillful in confusing people by justice. The brushwork that seemly messy but actually orderly,strengthened the internal tension of the work. Brushwork and “crowd” can be described as a perfection.Seemingly noisy crowd is actually dominated by the collective unconscious. Individualunconscious is not terrible, terrible is brutal and violent desires that has beenregulated and tamed by generationsand still lurked in the collective unconscious ofhumanity. Black and white, which can be described as metaphor of evil andjustice, are always in a state of confrontation. Monochrome gives youthe impression of calm and simple indeed, while “the crowd series” works bring people “a sense of oppression”. Why feeldepressed? That's because black and gray had prevailed.In my opinion, theapplication of monochrome actually had pulled works away from reality, and reachedan effect of defamiliarization. Therefore, “the crowd series” works also are documentary and historical. Such paintings canpromote people to ponder, especially inspire people to reflect on human natural and social reality inwhich they lived. There is a very practical significance.



June15, 2016 in Mianyang


Xia Fang: On mass events: areport of “the crowd series” works, 2016.

夏  方





2016 粗暴现实——夏方作品展,了了·艺术传播机构,成都


2015 “画意成都”美术作品年度展,四川省美术馆,成都


2014 四川省第七届新人新作美术展,四川省美术馆,成都



《人群系列 · 二》 130cm×97cm 布面油画 2015年

人群系列 · 四》 200cm×150cm  布面油画 2015年

人群系列 · 五》 200cm×150cm 布面油画 2015年

人群系列 · 六 162cm×130cm 布面油画 2016年

人群系列 · 十 162cm×130cm 布面油画 2016年

人群系列 · 十二 130cm×97cm 布面油画 2016年

人群系列 · 十三 130cm×97cm 布面油画 2016年

人群系列 · 十五》 162cm×130cm 布面油画 2016年



[廖上飞策划] 青年艺术家推介展第一回:








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