


nbsp;         廖上飞






      Liao Shangfei

      When people discussed the tradition intensely, talking about tradition is inevitably accused of “join in the fun”. However, the artists who have serious thinking about traditional problem are essentially different with speculators. Nowadays, the traditions that our artists faced are not only Chinese tradition, but also including the tradition of other countries or regions. Today's artists are not only facing the ancient tradition, as well as the tradition of modern and contemporary art. Of course, whether it is inherited, studied, or criticized, reformed, is a personal choice. On a variety of traditional argument, there is no more insane than the argument of “return to the tradition”. Cheng Yi’s and Yang Guangwei’s art practices and works rooted in different tradition. In other words, they have their own respective tradition. But one thing is consistent, their relationship with the tradition is not on the surface.

      Cheng Yi’s art practices and works are essentially a kind of cultural thinking. I called his art practices as “metaphysical functioning”. In last ten years, he consciously absorbed nutrients from the Chinese traditional philosophy, western psychology and eastern mysticism, and formed a unique artistic appearance. In my opinion, the appearance of his works is not only unique in China, in the international contemporary art also has uniqueness. He created a surreal world of lines, in my opinion, which is an entirely new world of mental image. This new world of mental image, on the one hand is the flashback of reality (life, livelihood, social, age, etc.) , on the other hand is also the transcendence of reality. Yang Guangwei’s art practices and works are closely associated with the traditional works, but they are not simple annotations of Chinese traditional painting. His painting style is a fusion of Chinese and western painting. In my opinion, a series of his works are the products of artist’s attempt to communicate between tradition and modern, east and west. Regardless of “stone”, “landscape” or present “Buddha”, they are not just symbol for Yang Guangwei. Compared with the present greatly popular image garbage, which is so-called “xishanqingyuan type” by way of copying traditional Chinese painting with public artistic language, Yang Guangwei’s works have a different kind of broad and extensive scene.

      I pay more attention to their ongoing trials of medium and continued exploration of artistic language. I've been stressed that the problem the artists first faced was the language, rather than the concept. Outstanding artists all have fully consciousness of language. Instead of saying artists expressed unique concept (ideology) by medium or their own artistic language, it is better to say that language is concept, there is no concept without language, and the concept is not external of language.

      On November 2, 2015